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  • Writer's pictureFatemeh TakhtKeshian

In-Between Places

My journey to the West resulted left my self-perception in chaos. Who am I? How do I want to represent myself in the new place? I had no relevant comfort zone, and a tension between my old values and the new ones set in. Thus, I hold traditions and ideologies from the society in which I lived in. I hide myself behind them, in my safe zone, and highlight some aspects of them, the ones closer to me, namely, my memories. The layers started to fragment, the cracks in them appearing whilst moving to a new place with its own challenges and limitations. I had to pick and re-define my values and describe new ones based on both old and new settings. The ideologies and traditions inevitably merge.

Fatemeh TakhtKeshian, Untitled,Mixed media on canvas, 2014.

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